7 Tips to look Attractive and Intelligent


The impression taken at the first meeting remains everlasting as people can only be known fully after years while your personality is known with the initial meeting. If you want to look intelligent and confident in front of others, you should act upon following tips provided by experts.

Use Simple Words

Use Simple Words

Use Simple Words

It is assumed that you will look intelligent if you use difficult and complicated words in your speech or writing but it has been shown in a research by University of California, Los Angeles that in fat speaking and writing in simple and free flowing language makes a person look more intelligent and able. It means that simple words with confidence should be used in front of others if you want to look polish in front of others while complicated words should only be used if it is necessary to do so.

Wear Glasses

Wear Glasses

Nowadays, wearing glasses is not considered bad. In a recent survey conducted by experts of Britain’s “College of Optometrists”, it is known that 43% people think that people wearing glasses are intelligent while percentage of people considering use of contact lenses as 40%. We can say that wearing spectacles will make you look intelligent to others.




In order to impress girls and women, boys and men should try to look entertaining and also tell jokes from time to time if possible. A study in research journal “Psychological Reports” shows that telling jokes according to situation and make people laughs depends on intelligence while women like people who remain happy and entertaining and keep others happy instead of looking serious all the time. But you should not cross limits while making jokes as it will ruin your personality.

Lively Smile

Lively Smile

Lively Smile

“Journal of Nonverbal Behavior” published a report that complete and lively smile of a person when he is truly happy is depicted when lines appear under his eyes apart from his smile from lips and eyes. Try to make a lively smile as people like true smiling faces.

Make a habit of Study

Make a habit of Study

Make a habit of Study

You will get information about latest events and news with continuous and regular study that will help you to have better conversational skills when you meet the people. It is a difficult but adaptable habit that will prove very useful.

Eye to eye Contact

Eye to eye Contact

Eye to eye Contact

It is discovered by the experts of Brandeis University of Massachusetts that eye to eye contact by people not only shows their intelligence but also their confidence while people lower in confidence and intelligence tends to avoid eye to eye contact while a conversation.

Adopt Good Manners

Adopt Good Manners

Adopt Good Manners

Recent psychological studies have proved that as compared to intelligence and ability, people often like persons with good manners and careful attitude towards others. In fact intelligent and capable people with selfish attitude and bad manners are considered deceptive and arrogant.

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