Artificial Leaf which can be Proved Factory of Medicines


Amsterdam, the experts in Holland have prepared such an artificial leaf on the basis of the original tree, which are present in nature. This leaf will have the veins like the green leaves and the raw chemicals will be included in it and it can be changed in the sunlight and the new medicine will be manufactured.

This artificial leave will become the unique factory of medicine and various diseases can be treated. The experts in the Andofen University of Technology in Holland have prepared such a system, which can get the energy from the sunlight and it can prepared the medicine, insect killing germs and various new and useful chemicals. This invention is called the ‘Little Factory of Medicine’.

The scientists has used the special matter in this leaf to absorb the sunlight and this leaf is made from the silicon rubber. The chemical is entered in the tiny veins of the leaf, which can do the chemical reaction in the sunlight. Only one chemical is entered in the leaf at one time, which passing through the heats of the sun and it is changed in the useful chemical agent or medicine. It is necessary that the raw chemical is entered in the leaf and it is already prepared in the laboratory and its characteristics are already determined. Various chemicals are needed to make different chemicals and one medicine can be made at one time.

The scientist, Timothy Noel, who works on the artificial leaf, said whether you want to manufacture the medicine for malaria in the forest or get prepared the parametamol on the Mars planet, you should take this tinny factory of the medicine with you and you can get the useful medicine after reaction from the sun.


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