Best Seven Seater Cars you can buy in Pakistan


The automobile market of Pakistan is facing the deficit of seven seater cars and by the size of the cars, the seven seater cars are necessity for the large families in Pakistan. They do not need to talk about the luxury seven seater cars like V8 and Land Cruisers. When you look at the buying power of the people, there are some of the seven seater cars, which are available in Pakistan.

Honda BRV:

Honda BRV is launched in the market, which is the perfect vehicle for the large family and this 1500cc Honda BRV car is economical and practical in all its aspects. Honda BRV is provided in the market at price tag of Rs. 2.2 million, which makes it the perfect vehicle for the large families.

Toyota Prius Alpha:

Toyota Prius Alpha is the seven seater hybrid car, which features the 1800cc engine and this car has great sale response in the auto market in Pakistan. This car has some exceptional features and the price of the vehicle is at around Rs. 2.8 million for the model of 2013-2014.

Honda Freed:

Honda Freed is technically six seaters and it is 1500cc hybrid car. The clients will check this vehicle has not shown the great sales potential in auto market in Pakistan. Honda Freed is provided in the market for the price tag of Rs.1.7-1.8 million for model of 2013-2014. The clients cannot rely on this vehicle for the resale value and due to availability of the spare parts.

Honda Crossroad:

Honda Crossroad is less known seven seater car, which is available in Pakistan. The car has the features of 1800cc engine and it has the strong dynamic shape. Honda Crossroad does not have the features of multimedia steering, hybrid technology and push start button. This vehicle is priced at around Rs. 3 million for model of 2010-2011.

Honda Odyessey:

Honda Odyessey is the lesser known seven seater car and it is featured by 2500cc engine with the van shaped rear body. This car is priced at around Rs. 3 million for model 2010-2011.

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