Chinese woman changes her face to get rid of loan


Chinese woman changes her face to get rid of loan

Chinese woman changes her face to get rid of loan

A woman in China changed her face with plastic surgery so that no one would arrest her by recognition after she came under huge amount of loan.

The 59 year old woman from central China took $370,000 (37 crore rupees) from banks and other organizations and when the court asked her to refund the money, she fled away to southeastern city where she immediately changed her face with plastic surgery.

When the police arrived to arrest her then it was difficult to recognize her because she was looking young of around 30 years old and she was different from her pictures given to police. But police arrested her.

Later, the woman admitted after her arrest that she travelled on NIC of other people and paid her expenses by taking a credit card on debt.

It should be cleared that people in 300 Chinese cities are encouraged to get loans and they got trap in this web. Ordinary people and housewives are also taking loans and this rate has increased by twice in the last 10 years but the rate of arrest of the people taking loan has also increased.

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