Finding of Giant size Ancient bird


British experts have said after examining the bones of a giant size ancient bird (present 70 million years ago) in Romania’s area of Transylvania that it was perhaps the most dangerous bird that use to eat small dinosaurs on earth after hunting them.

The name of this extinct bird is ‘Hatzegopteryx’ whose width of wings is from 10 to 12 meters which means it was seen as a small aero plane while flying. It is related to the family of “Azhdarchid”. The birds of this family were devoid of teeth but they use their long and spiny beaks for hunting.

The experts of Southampton University says that the neck bone of this bird was 3 times more wide and strong as compared to other birds of its family which shows that it was the most dangerous bird of its time. Its neck was shorter but wider as compared to other birds of its family.

According to experts, these birds use their strong beak, large mouth and strong bones to catch small dinosaurs on earth and swallow them as a whole because they had no teeth to masticate their prey.

The height of these birds was up to modern giraffes and they can be compared with dangerous land based carnivore dinosaurs “T Rex”.




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