Introduction oSophisticated sensors in Smartphonesf


Nowadays, lots of latest features are available in smartphones that have changed our lives completely. Now, you don’t need to carry separate camera, GPS device or a personal digital assistant (PDA) with you as they are present in your smartphone. But sensors are required to do most of these tasks. Here in this page, you will be able to know the working of sensors in the smartphones.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

You can know your location anywhere with help from GPS technology as it is connected to several satellites at a time. Inside the phone, there is a GPS unit that receives signal from satellites after which it helps you find your location in any part of the world. Even if you lose signals, you can get your location because it doesn’t use mobile  data to operate.

Introduction of Sophisticated sensors in Smartphones

Introduction of Sophisticated sensors in Smartphones



But there are few weaknesses in this feature. First is that it produces too much load on the battery which means you should only enable it if it is really required. The second is that you may not receive signals from satellite if it is raining heavily or you are present in an underground or a place with thick walls.


This sensor measures the magnetic field to know the location of your mobile phone. Like other magnetic devices, it tells us about the north direction. Change in voltages makes the sensor to do their job. Metal detectors also include magnetometer as it raise an alarm after detecting magnetic fields.

Introduction of Sophisticated sensors in Smartphones

Introduction of Sophisticated sensors in Smartphones


After going compass mode in your smatphone, the sensors become activated and it is especially helpful in the absence of GPS. But accelerometer and GPS are required for proper working of magnetometer.


This sensor measures axis-based motion sensing and it can track your steps at a time your phone is not connected to your shoes. The main sensor used in AR (augmented reality) apps is accelerometer as it can tell about direction of phone pointer. This app can also measure your acceleration due to which it is used for speed you see on Snapchat.

Introduction of Sophisticated sensors in Smartphones

Introduction of Sophisticated sensors in Smartphones


Other sensors like microscopic crystal structure are also combined with this sensor to provide maximum activity of the sensor.


This sensor achieved fame in the phone business in 2014 while it helps in performance of accelerometer and makes it easier to detect phone. Gyroscope is also helpful in stitching together 360 degree panoramas. These sensors are also used in planes to find the altitude of the aircraft.

Introduction of Sophisticated sensors in Smartphones

Introduction of Sophisticated sensors in Smartphones


Few more Sensors

The barometer detects the weather changes by finding the air pressure of the room. Proximity sensor turns off the screen when the phone is near to an object or your ears. LED and light detector helps it to work. The last one is the ambient light sensor which adjusts the brightness of the screen after detecting the light levels around you. Light sensor is used in smartphones to provide adaptive brightness feature.

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