Last 5 years were Hottest Years in world History


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) revealed in its latest report that last 5 years were the hottest continuous years in the history of world while another world record of heat will soon be made regarding this year.

This report has disturbed the societies of environmental protection because it is told in the report that new heat records are made continuously from 2011 to 2015 and the process is in progress in 2016 also while an important reason for this global warning are the activities of humans.

The experts have warned that the danger of severe heat in upcoming years has increased 10 folds due to the use of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and gas for energy production.

Severe heat has also increased number of deaths worldwide while the report says that the deaths of 258,000 people in eastern Africa in 2011 due to drought was result of this heat  while more than 4100 people died in Pakistan and India in 2015 due to extraordinary heat wave.

Last 5 years were Hottest Years in world History

In ‘International Environmental Studies’, the average temperature from 1961 to 1990 is called ‘Long Durational Average’ and the average world temperature of last 5 years was 0.57 degrees higher than that average and it will further increase after inclusion of 2016 temperature.

The target in the international agreements for environmental protection is not to let the temperature increase more than the average temperature prior to industrial age and the effort will be made to keep the average world temperature less than 2 degree. But the recent report of WMO shows the failure of world nations in this aspect which highlights the dangers in future.

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