NASA Astronauts Can Already Farm On Mars


During the last century, various scientists of different countries of the world worked on different projects relating to the space. They gave attention on the conquering of darn and vast expanse of the space and the movie, ‘The Martian’ was prepared. This movie was prepared to show the struggle of man that it can survive on Mars and this movie was at the number one on the box office this weekend.



In this movie, the character of ‘Matt Damon’ was introduced, which was working on the aspect that enough food is not available to survive in the coming four years of the possible human visitation and he was forcibly recognize that he might starve to death. As he is the botanist, so he can imagine growing potatoes from the ground using martian soil.

It is wonderful and surprising aspect of this movie to do the space farming, which is the fictionalized scenario and it is already done. The director of the movie, Bruce Bugbee told about it and showed that the director of Plants, Soil and Climate department of Utah State University has been working to grow the plants in space with the collaboration of NASA for the last decade.

They are focusing on growth of few salad crops and they will also help in growing lettuce, radishes and they also help to recycle the water.

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