Re-Filled Water Bottles As Dirty As Your Toilet


It is common for us to re-fill the plastic water bottles and then re-use them. Later, these bottles are used in our homes for various purposes. But these bottles are so dangerous that they can endanger our lives if we use them after re-filling.

In the past, several studies have already proved that re-filled plastic water bottles are harmful for human’s health. In a recent development, it is said that the germs in these bottles are more in number than the germs in your toilet seats.


According to recent studies, licking your toilet and drinking water from a used plastic bottle has same types of harmful effects on your health. The tests have proved that there were more than 300,000 colony-forming units of bacteria cells per square centimeter were present in the reusable drinking containers.

A study published in the ‘Canadian Journal of Public Health’ showed even more dangerous results. Out of total 76 samples of water bottles, around 67% had bacterial levels more than the recommended levels in water. The bottles remained at room temperature for extended period of time could be the major cause of this bacterial re-growth.

It proves that drinking water from re-filled water bottles is unsafe. Water is the basic requirement of human body and carefulness must be taken while consuming it. You should know about the things you eat and drink. The better thing is to buy a good quality water bottle for drinking instead of harming your health by using re filled water bottles.


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