UNO Report: Women Use as Sex Symbol in Indian Movies


New York, United Nations has released a report in which it has been mentioned that Indian film industry is on top of the world for the advertisement of the movie through vulgarity.

The United Nations department, working on the rights for the women and the organization keeping an eye on the bold characters of the women in the film industry across the world, ‘The Rock  Fuller Foundation’ have released their joint research report. According to this joint research report, Bollywood has the most tendency to produce the women in bold manner for the advertisement of the movie than all other film industries of the world. On the contrary, the tendency to produce the women in the positive manner, to look in the characters of doctors, engineers, and scientists, is very less.

It is also said in the report the women are half of the total population of the world. Despite of this fact, the characters less than one third are offered to the women in the Indian movies, which is a clear division. According to the report, all the movies besides India, which are made with the collaboration of UK and USA, are at the low level in this list. In the movies, which are prepared with the collaboration of USA and UK, the proportion of the important roles for the women is only 23.6% and in the Indian movie is only 24.9%. Even that the proportion in UK, Brazil and South Korea is also from 35 to 38% to give the roles to the women.

The Indian film industry is on the third number after Australia and Germany, to present the women in very short dresses. In Bollywood, the tendency to present the women as the sex symbol is 25.2%. In Bollywood, the women got shoot with 35% very bold characters in the movies. Besides all this, there is very less proportion of women directors, writers and producers in the Indian film industry.

UNO Report Women Use as Sex Symbol in Indian Moies

UNO Report Women Use as Sex Symbol in Indian Moies


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