Wheel Chair for Gold Fish Disable to Swim


Texas, The gold fish was given the gift of wheel chair, who were disable to swim in the water. This is happened in the US city, San Antonio. Now the gold fish becomes able to swim in the water.
This beautiful gold fish was suffered from the swim bladder and it became upside down in the water and it did not maintain itself and did not become straight. Due to this condition, it lie down on the bottom of the aquarium. One of the employees of the aquarium found its solution and he made a small wheel chair for the fish. Derek wrapped the small tubes around the gold fish and put the small valves under it so that it can give the feelings of wheel chair to move forward and he put tharmapol foam over it, which can help the fish to move up because foam does not sink in the water.

Now the weight present under the fish was equalized after stretching upward. Gold fish is a beautiful animal but it suffers from different diseases. After this invention of Derek, the gold fish is swimming in the water quite easily. When its video was shared on YouTube and other social media, then various people encouraged this initiative and they praised the animal friendship of Derek.


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