Artificial Bone Became Part of Original Bone Due to 3D Printer


Perth, If there is crack or slight fracture in the bone then the bone gets well within few weeks but after seriously damaging, it has to join through the metal plates and nut bolt, which is very painful and expensive process. When an artificial bone made up of the 3D printer is added through implantation, then it becomes the part of the bone automatically.

Sometimes ago, a piece of bone made up through 3D printer was added in the throat of a child successfully. But the professor Hala Zariqat of University of Sydney and her colleagues joined the broken piece of bone with a special material through the 3D printer and they implanted it in the body of a hare and they got the wonderful results.

After this success, they took a step and they got well the leg of a sheep and the importance of the 3D printed implantation rather than the traditional treatment was exposed. 8 sheep got the implantation and they started walking soon. The experts note that after 3 months of the implantation of the artificial bone through 3D printer, the wound of fracture got well up to 25% and it is improved to 88% during the period of one year. When they took the x-rays of the sheep, it was found that the real bone started grow again and the implant made up of ceramic or the piece of bone became part of the bone.

There were the advancements in the making of artificial veins and capillaries of the blood through the 3D printer and the experts have prepared the artificial heart through the 3D printer during July. It is expected that through this invention, the patients of the heart would get the hope, who wait for the transplantation of the heart but they lose their life.


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