Govt Manages First Ever Exams for Vacant CSS Posts


There are some of the vacant CSS posts, which are required to be filled in all provinces of Pakistan. Due to these vacant posts, the departments are facing issues to carry on their smooth functioning. The government has decided to fill these vacant CSS posts by conducting the special exams of the Civil Superior Services all over the country. Govt Manages First Ever Exams for Vacant CSS Posts.

It is reported that 41 seats in Sindh, 22 seats in KPK, 49 seats in Balochistan and 16 seats are declared vacant in Gilgit Baltistan and newly merged Tribal districts. The government is going to conduct the special exams to fill these posts. The Special Assistant to PM has disclosed this news in a TV interview and said that the government has discussed with matter with the FPSC chairman and the special exams will be held during the month of November and these vacant CSS posts will be filled accordingly.

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