Research GPS Makes Human Mind Disable


London, The ever increasing use of Global Positioning System (GPS) is making the part of the human mind weak and disable, which can lead the human beings. The research scholar, Humayun Javedi of University College London and his colleagues have done the study over 24 volunteers and the results of this study got published in the research journal, ‘Nature Communications’. In the study, the volunteers were asked to pass through the complicated paths in different areas and reach to their destinations. The particular instruments were used at the start and end of the journey to analyze the different parts of their minds, which belong to the directions and guidance.

During the study, half of the volunteers were given the instruments provide the GPS like smart phone and GPS trackers and remaining half of the volunteers were not provided the instruments. They were asked to reach to their destinations through their own effort. During this time, they were asked not to adopt the guided ways to reach to the fixed target. To get this purpose, they were left at such places in the city, which were stranger for them and they were asked to reach to their target destination.

Through this exercise, it was revealed on the experts at the end of the study that the volunteers, who were using the GPS trackers, the activity of the parts of mind, ‘Hippo Campus’ belong to memory or guidance was reduced to minimum extent or it is finished. On the contrary, the volunteers, who use their eyes and mind to walk on the unknown paths to reach to their destination, the activity of their ‘Hippo Campus’ was maximum. The volunteers, who were asked to walk on the most complicated and difficult paths, the activity in their Hippo Campus was obvious and maximum than others.

The experts derived the outcome in the light of this study that the use of automatic facilities guiding through artificial planets can reduce the activity of the concerned parts of our mind and if it becomes out routine, then our mind becomes so week and it does not be able to guide us in the emergency situation without the additional help.

Research GPS Makes Human Mind Disable

Research GPS Makes Human Mind Disable

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